Launch Project

Berlin's Funding Data — An Overview

Fabian Dinklage
Project Type

Berlin's senate department for finance publishes data on how the state of Berlin is funding various institutions in the city. The data is accessible through an Zuwendungsdatenbank lässt sich abfragen, wer öffentliche Förderungen in welcher Höhe erhalten hat. Diese Daten sind in vielfacher Hinsicht interessant – unter Transparenzgesichtspunkten, aber auch für weiterführende Analysen der Berliner Förderlandschaft.

Over the last few months, we have been digging through more than 73,000 individual funding awards. The result is a tool for a visual exploratory data analysis, which allows users to filter the data using multiple categories and explore awards from 2009 to 2017. In addition to this tool, we have built this quick visual overview showing which topics received the most funding, as well as other general trends over time.

Grants from the City of Berlin:

You can filter the dataset based on the following criteria: Volume of money per year or number of grants per year.

Volume in Euro Volume in % Amount absolute Amount in %




Anzahl Zuwendungen

Kategorie Name

We have chosen a so-called bubble chart in order to show the dimensions time, topic and sum in relation to one another. For those who want a more detailed view of the data, you can use our data exploration tool.